The Blue Room, located in a wet cave just before the end of the road on Kauai’s North Shore, is one of the island’s many unusual geological formations. Similar to the Blue Grotto on Capri in Italy, sunlight shining through the clear waters creates an otherworldly blue light inside the cave. You won’t see Dean Martin look-a-likes serenading you in this cave as they do in Capri, however.
One reason is that the area is now posted as a no-swimming zone. Also, since the water is freshwater, exposure to leptospirosis bacteria (a viral condition caused by the urine of infected wild animals) is possible.
To get to the cave entrance, park in the lot on the makai (ocean) side of the highway just before the end of the road at Ke’e. On the mauka (mountain) side, look for a short trail leading up to the wet cave. A slippery slope takes you down to the wet cave entrance, so watch your footing. The higher the water level, the better the effect.
Of course, we cannot recommend that you violate a posted no swimming sign. It’s still a pretty and fun outing even if lighting conditions aren’t ideal and even if you only go to the cave entrance. Afterward, you can go to Ke’e Beach for a safe swim. In any case, wear water shoes because the way there is slippery — and don’t wait for a blue moon to visit.
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