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What do I need to know before going to a Luau?

Ask the Big Kahuna

“Answering the most common visitor questions”


Can you please tell me the most important things I need to know about going to a luau?

Signed –

Hawaii Bound from Minnesota


Dear Minnie,

Luau’s are great fun and I encourage you to go. The food is abundant, the entertainment spectacular, and it will probably be your best “one shot” introduction into Hawaiian and Polynesian culture. Here are the top 4 ways to enjoy a luau:

#1: Sit as close as you can to the stage.

#2: Be open to trying a little bit of everything on the menu. Eat the poi (taro pudding), too.

#3: Keep your eyes on the hands of the hula dancers (the hands tell the story).

#4: If asked to dance by one of the dancers, do not refuse (as a declination is considered rude, culturally). When dancing, keep your eyes on the hands to follow the dancer.

 Here are some links to help you get started on your luau planning: Big Island Luau | Kauai Luau | Maui Luau | Oahu Luau

Big Kahuna