Dedicated to Kevin Vollet
Submitted by Linda
Easter vacation 2000 my husband and I along with three other supervisors took fourteen high school girls on a sports educational tour to Oahu, Hawaii to play volleyball. This was a trip of a lifetime to paradise for all of us. A Romantic holiday-it hardly sounds like it could be. But, for over a year my husband had been secretly planning the most loving, romantic moment of my life.
At one of our planning sessions, I casually mentioned that it would be nice to get married in Hawaiil. That met with little enthusiasm. Little did I know that everyone at that meeting but me, knew my husband already had plans for the renewal of our wedding vows.
He told me he had plans to take all of us to a surprise luau. Of course the girls knew what was going on. He was able to surprise even them with a Limo ride to Diamond Head Beach. I never suspected a thing. Everyone was busy waiting for a luau? My husband walked over to me and everyone else magically disappeared. He asked me to marry him all over again. My response-tears it was unbelievable. He presented me with a beautiful ring, while the minister renewed the vows that we had spoken ten years ago. A Loving Memory of Hawaii to Last a Lifetime.