Dedicated to To My Husband
Submitted by Anonymous
As we come together and share our lives. I realize it was a long road to get where we are now. When I first met you I knew it was a gift from another, that was sent to me. Not knowing the pain u had already endured but knowing how gentle and kind your heart was now. I came to you with an a closed heart not knowing that our friendship would lead to one heart that would bined us togather forever as we came togather as one. Now that we have each other nor rain, sleet or snow will keeps us seperate as long as the sun sets in the evening, evey morning I wake in your arms knowing that I will rest in your arms for now and forever dreaming of the day where I can walk a Hawaii beach with the sand between our feet and the sun above our heads and the passion between our kiss. While walking on the beach as the ocean splashes our love all over.